Self care tip 101 from my Dream Girl Guide
I made this post & shared it on my tumblr blog a while ago, rapunzelita (please do check it out! xo)
And I wanted to share this on here as well ... I believe it really belongs amongst my very first few posts. It's a message I recommend everyone always keep in mind, get it tattooed inside your brain, if you must. Because it's something that's so easy to forget. Ridiculously easy.
Yet, it's the most important thing ever. It's at the very basis of self-care.
I always see comments swirling around the self-care blogosphere like...
"you deserve a break" ... or to..."treat yourself to a break"...
Important messages. No doubt. But, I think it's important to stress that breaks are not something you treat yourself to. Or even something you have to deserve.
Breaks are absolutely NECESSARY. I cannot emphasize this enough. You need to relax and rejuvenate in order to function. It's the most BASIC thing.
In fact I've recently come to the realization that...
Breaks are the very foundation upon which the concept of 'Self Love' can be nurtured and come completely into fruition.
This has lead me to the conclusion (gosh, did that statement remind me of school and writing essays....conclusions were the worst, sometimes!) that taking out time for yourself is something you need to SCHEDULE IN. Just as you schedule things like meetings, dates with friends, workouts etc.
Taking time for yourself is something you need to SCHEDULE IN. Just as you schedule things like meetings, dates with friends, workouts etc.
Schedule in some time....just for BEING. Just for relaxing.
You may think (as I did tbh until veeeery recently...literally, until I thought of this post, so until today) that you don't need to schedule it in because...uh, duh, you just naturally take a break. The mind naturally wanders for most of us and we start scrolling through instagram, twitter, or whatever or bingeing on Netflix. But, honestly, what percentage of the time spent doing these activities can we honestly say that our minds are truly present? How much of these 'breaks' of ours, are us actually actively enjoying what we are doing and not being plagued by incessant worries, negative thoughts, feelings of guilt/shame etc that rear their ugly head now and again?
How many of our break times - are we truly FREE? And, make no mistake, that's what breaks really are...FREEDOM. A time allocated in which you can just BE. Breathe. Relax in feelings of bliss and positivity - not have one foot in the room of worry and the other foot in the elusive room of rest and leisure.
Wow, I actually really like that analogy. Future post idea.
How many of our break times - are we truly FREE? And, make no mistake, that's what breaks really are...FREEDOM. A time allocated in which you can just BE. Breathe. Relax in feelings of bliss and positivity - not have one foot in the room of worry and the other foot in the elusive room of rest and leisure.
Also...maybe, à la the book with the iconic title, I should've called it the room of rest and relaxation?
I'll maybe make a post about that later too...I have thoughts about My Year of Rest and Relaxation! (mostly....gosh, I really do want a year like that! Or need one, more like, considering the absolute HEADACHE that has been & sadly continues to be Covid19...).
But, that's for another day, right now...I am going to take a short but oh-so-needed and necessary break!
Ah, I crack myself up. Not really...most the time, I really just hate myself and am annoyed by myself. But, you have to practice what you preach...and trust me, I TRY.
Okay, I'm actually signing off now to take a break. <3
I hope everyone has a lovely break and if you want to support me - please subscribe to this blog, or follow me on Tumblr, and/or follow my insta/twitter etc...
If you do a combination - I will love you forever.